Private Departure Transfer from Venice to Treviso Sant'Angelo Airport

Premium Private departure transfer from your accommodation in Venice city centre to Treviso Sant'Angelo airport. The water taxi will be waiting for you at the nearest water taxi dock to take you to Piazzale Roma and then a private car/minivan will take you to Treviso airport.

1 hour and 30 minutes


Service information

What's included?

Local taxes
Hotel pickup


Excess luggage charges (where applicable)


  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Each traveler is allowed a maximum of 1 suitcase and 1 carry-on bag. Oversized or excessive luggage (e.g. surfboards, golf clubs or bikes) may have certain restrictions, please inquire with the operator prior to travel to confirm if your excess luggage is acceptable
  • Depending on weather or traffic conditions, itinerary may change
  • In case of any issue, please contact our assistance phone numbers +39 388 7760594 or +39 342 9061230

Photo gallery

 Free cancellation

You'll receive a full refund if you cancel at least 24 hours in advance of most services.

Payments options

50% deposit if booked within 15 days of the travel date.

 Easy to contact us

Contact form, by phone or request a free quote.


Customise a service with impartial advice.


Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • Cancellation policies

    Our standard cancellation, a fee of 100% is charged if cancelled 1 day or less before the event.

    Cancellation fee of 50% is charged if cancelled 2 days or less before the event.

    Cancellation fee of 0% is charged if cancelled 3 days or less before the event.

    This may be different for selected services, the cancellation policy would be available on checkout.

  • Local supplier contact details

    The full contact details of your local supplier will be available on your booking confirmation voucher, once the booking has been confirmed.

  • How early in advance should I book my service.

    In peak seasons the services can sell out very quickly.

    We recommend booking within 4 weeks of your travel dates to secure your booking.

    Benefits of booking early

    * Secure your booking.

    * Flexible payment option 50% deposit, if booked within 15 days of the travel date

    * All services can be cancelled and you can receive a full refund, (PLEASE REFER TO INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT CANCELLATION POLICIES)

  • Is there any hidden charges?

    The price you see online is the price you pay no additional charges on arrival unless choosing the 50% deposit. 

    • No booking fees
    • No credit card transaction fees

 Have additional questions take a look at our FAQ page CLICK HERE

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